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The Magic Word for Uncovering Your Limiting Beliefs

Discovering our limiting beliefs can be challenging as they are often concealed deep in our subconscious mind. These beliefs were formed when we were young and served to protect us during difficult times. However, now that we have grown, they hold us back from new experiences. It's time to dig deep and remove these limitations to unlock our true potential.

"We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience." –Louise L. Hay

You will acess them in your “Not Enough” self-esteem, self-devaluation conflicts. Not smart enough, not fast enough, not good enough, not young enough. I can’t do this … I’m scared of …. If I was/ had this, then I could….

Fortunately, there is a magic word that can bring our limiting beliefs up into our consciousness awareness, and this is what needs happen in order to transmute them.


Because works so well because when asked we are prompted to devise a reason. We can use the power of this word to bring these reasons out of the shadows and into the light.

I can't do my homework, because ....

I can't get that job, because .....

No one will date me because .....

  • Try this exercise to uncover and release the layers of conscious and unconscious perspectives which hold your limiting beliefs in place.

  • Combine it with tapping to enhance your results.

  • Grab a pen and paper and jot down your responses.

1. Begin with a problem.

Somewhere you are having difficulty in your life. Think about what you say to yourself about this problem? For example, if you’re having trouble finding work, maybe you explain it with something like, “Nobody wants to employ someone my age” or, “I'm not qualified enough for that position.” Anything you say to yourself to justify why it isn’t working out for you is a limiting belief.

An example of a fear or anxiety would be, " I can't speak in public because I'm worried that I might embarrass myself.”

2. Inquiry. (Ask yourself the questions and jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.)

Ask yourself:

a) I feel/ think this way because?

b) What must I believe to be true to feel/ think this way?

If it’s a fear or anxiety, ask:

a) I feel unsafe because?

b) What must I believe to be true to feel unsafe?

c) What’s the worst thing that could happen if I did this?

3. Work through layers of emotions and beliefs until you reach the core issue.


I never get chosen for a promotion.

I feel this way because?

I’m not good enough!

I’m not good enough because?

I didn’t go to university like my brothers.

Not going to university makes me not good enough because?

I’m not smart enough.

I’m not smart enough because?

I didn’t get great marks at school.

Keep going until you reach an obvious core issue or until it starts getting repetitive.

I didn’t get great marks at school because?

I’m not smart enough.

4. Use reframing to release the core perspective. Turn your core perspectives around and have them not make sense. Feel it lose its charge, the power it has over you..


So, everybody who got bad marks at school are doomed for a life of failure?

Everybody who didn’t go to university is not good enough for a promotion.

No, of course not!

5. Work back up the layers, checking that each limiting perspective has been cleared until the initial belief has no intensity anymore.

I’m smart enough for this promotion because?

I’ve proven myself capable many times in my work.

I am qualified and deserving of this promotion even though I didn’t go to university because?

I was getting hands on experience while my brothers were at university.

I’m good enough for this promotion because?

I've been here the longest and have the most practical experience.

Try this exercise for uncovering and clearing your limiting beliefs and as always, if you have any questions or want some support in doing this work or learning how to tap, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Big Love


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