Rise Above the Herd is an 8 week private online group coaching program for truth seekers wanting to decondition from unconscious belief patterns and break the chains of stagnancy so they can reclaim their power and live a life of integrity, authenticity, purpose and potential.
The creation of Here For the Truth Podcast Hosts Joel Rafidi and Yerasmis Stillianesis, I attended the inaugural coaching program, in May 2022, here are my thoughts.
Joel and Yerasimos have delivered a transformational course for anyone wanting to stop playing it small and Rise to the challenge of living their best life.
I found myself looking forward to each week, knowing that I would come away with powerful new information as I was finding that my confidence in every day life and interactions with people grew from week to week.
Connecting with others on similar paths through the calls and Telegram group added so much depth to the experience.
I would recommend this course to anyone ready to take radical responsibility for themselves and looking to deprogram from our socially engineered collectivist mindset and Rise Above The Herd!